Working Groups

Within the framework of the Center, we would like to offer you several undergraduate topic titles, which you can work on from the next semester in cooperation with the Center, consultations and also using its library resources.

Work on bachelor's theses and consultations will take place in the format of working groups, according to a pre-agreed plan. It is recommended that students have completed at least one of the following courses:

  • POLI2210 Nationalism and Ethnic Conflicts;
  • POLI4111 Democracy and Populism;
  • IREL3262 Collective memory and its role in Georgian politics and international relations;
  • POLI4110 Religion and Politics;
  • IREL1230 Research Design;

Here are the topics you can choose from for your bachelor's thesis:

Comparative analysis of Western and Georgian contemporary nationalist discourses

Europeanization and far-right discourses: analysis of challenges

Formation of nationalist discourse in independent Georgia

Analysis of policies towards ethnic minorities (comparative analysis of the 1921 and 1995 constitutions; transformation of modern politics)

Informational manipulations and populism in modern political communication; (specific cases)

The role of crises in nationalist and populist mobilization (concrete cases, eg migration, economic crisis, war, etc.)

The relationship between citizenship and ethnicity in independent Georgia

"Back to Europe" or "forward to nationalism": the trajectory of post-socialist nationalism (cases, eg, Holland, Hungary, Georgia)

The works that receive the best evaluation will be published as an article on the website of the Center for the Study of Nationalism and Ethnicity of the University of Georgia.

If you are interested, please send your selected (several) topics and attach a short (one paragraph) abstract describing your specific interests and vision for the thesis to: [email protected]